At the Webb City Farmers Market, we believe in empowering our community with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in local food production. Our Education and Training Library offers a wealth of resources, from expert-led workshops and classes to informative articles and videos.
Whether you're a seasoned grower, a budding gardener, or simply curious about sustainable practices, you'll find valuable content here to help you succeed.
Explore our library and take your skills to the next level with the Webb City Farmers Market!
Practical Advice from Successful Farmers*
Our Extension colleagues worked with some of the best farmers in Southwest Missouri (honestly, they are remarkable) to share their practices and tips on specific crops.
Lavender - with Kelly McGowan, MU Extension
Lavender - Q&A (with Kelly McGowan)
Distilling Lavender Essential Oil - with Patrick Byers, MU Extension
Business models - three farmers describe their business models for successful farms. For more details, click on the individual farm videos below.
Oakwoods Farm - farmers market, online, restaurants, health food store, and school sales
Gardener's Orchard - u-pick, seasonal festivals, farmers markets, and value-added.
Millsap Farms - CSA, farm store, school tours & other agritourism, pizza nights, farmers markets, flower sales, and institutional sales
Business Models - Q & A (with Andre Gradinariu, Karen Scott, and Curtis Millsap)
Sweet Potatoes - with Curtis Millsap of Millsap Farms
Sweet Potato Slip Production short with Patrick Byers, MU Extension horticulturist
Alliums - Onions, Leeks, & Garlic - with Curtis Millsap of Millsap Farms
Alliums - Q & A (with Curtis Millsap)
Leafy Greens - with Karen Scott & Jason Hirtz
High Tunnel Tomatoes - with Farmer Dre aka Andre Gradinariu
Tomatoes - Q & A (with Andre Gradinariu, Liz Graznak, and Shon Bishop)
Establishing a Berry Farm - with Patrick Byers, MU Extension
Establishing a Berry Farm - Q & A (with Patrick Byers and Angela Brattin)
Tips on Grafting Tomatoes for Commercial Production - with Shon Bishop of Bishop Gardens
High Tunnel Strawberries - Lessons Learned by a First-Time Grower - with Angela Brattin of Brattin Farms
Hmong Language Videos
Farmer Lykou Lee shares growing tips on blueberries, blackberries, elderberries, and high tunnel strawberries in HMONG.
Hmong farmer Lykou Lee shares in the Hmong language how he grows tomatoes and squash.
Spanish Language Videos
Consejos Prácticos de Agricultores Exitosos: Camotes - Este episodio de Consejos Prácticos de Agricultores Exitosos se centra en los camotes. El agricultor Curtis Millsap, de la granja “Millsap Farms”, cubre la selección de camotes para cultivar brotes, la preparación del suelo a través del cultivo, la cosecha y el curado. (Sweet Potato video in Spanish)
Consejos Prácticos de Agricultores Exitosos:Tomates - Este episodio de Consejos Prácticos de Agricultores Exitosos se centra en los tomates. El agricultor Andre Gradinariu, también conocido como Farmer Dre, de la granja “Gardener's Orchard”, cubre todo lo relacionado con los tomates: preparación del suelo, riego, fertilización, creación de un inyector de fertilizante de bajo costo, control de malezas, camas elevadas, sus tomates favoritos para plantar son: Red Deuce y Carolina Gold, la plantación, mejora de la producción, enrejado, inocuidad del producto, actividades postemporada y comercialización. (Tomatoes video in Spanish)
Preguntas y Respuestas sobre Tomates (con Andre Gradinariu, Liz Graznak, & Shon Bishop)
Missouri Tomato School*
Click on links below for audio and/or slides.
High Tunnel & Greenhouse — When Bad Things Happen to Good Tomatoes — Rick Snyder
Audio Slides
Tomatoes and Herbicide Injury Research — Michele Warmund
Audio Slides
What’s bugging you might not be bugging your tomatoes! Beneficials and Pests — Tamra Reall
Audio Slides
The Top Ten Best Practices for Tomato Harvesting & Postharvest Storage — Casey Barickman
Tomato Nutrient Management 101 — Casey Barickman
So, You Want to Grow Greenhouse Tomatoes — Rick Snyder
Crash course on hydroponic tomato cultivation — Juan Cabrera-Garcia
Comparing Yields and Success of Grafted vs. Ungrafted Tomatoes — Kelly McGowan
Using Essential Oils to Control Aphids, Spider Mites, & Thrips in High Tunnels — David Middleton
Successful Winter Production in Southwest Missouri
The Yang Family Vegetable Farm - click here for the recorded presentation.
Box Turtle Farm - click here for the recorded presentation, click here for the chat during the video.
OakWoods Farm - click here for the recorded presentation, click here for the chat during the video.
Millsap Farm - click here for the recorded presentation, click here for the chat during the video.
Links to presentations:
Introduction to High Tunnels
High Tunnel Site Selection
Managing Pests in High Tunnels
Introduction to High Tunnel Climate Control
High Tunnel Heating Alternatives
High Tunnel Maintenance
Soil Nutrition
Advanced Soils and Nutrition
Crop Rotation in High Tunnels
Ten Greatest Challenges in High Tunnel Production
Steps to Acquire an USDA/NRCS EQIP High Tunnel
High Value High Tunnel Crops
Cover Cropping in High Tunnels
Greenhouse & High Tunnel Covers
Specialty Cut Flower Production in the Winter
*funded, in part, through Missouri Department of Agriculture Specialty Crops Block Grants.